When You Should NEVER Use Legal Software

When You Should NEVER Use Legal Software

From self-imposed missteps to outside onslaughts, there are many ways to reach a catastrophe. While legal software can help safeguard a small business to an extent, there are certain situations where it is imperative to have an experienced lawyer on hand. We look at ten situations where a business lawyer is absolutely necessary. In Kurt Vonnegut’s debut novel, Player Piano, the author tells of a dystopian future where there is a mechanized solution for everything, including haircuts. The barbering machine was designed by a hairdresser who was terrified that someone else would invent it. In the leadup to his invention, every day he’d try to think of things that a barber could do that the machine couldn’t, and then at night he’d dream up ways the machine could accomplish that task. This continued until the barber developed a haircutting machine and sold it for a small fortune, putting all the other barbers out of business.

We aren’t there yet with lawyers.

The legal software has made it possible for businesses to take care of small compliance issues without the need of a lawyer. But, there are tasks too big for the bots. To save yourself from a major legal headache, habitually use a real lawyer in the following situations.

When Jail is on the Line

Always compare the cost to benefit while debating whether to hire a lawyer. If the advantage is not going to prison, the price is almost not a factor. Any amount of money you save by using legal software will not measure up to the emotional toll that incarceration will take on you. When the authorities come knocking, it’s always time to lawyer up.

Trademark Filing

 Filing for a trademark is a long, tedious process with enough legal nooks and crannies to drive the layman completely bonkers. Fortunately, there are attorneys out there who specialize in this. It may cost just $1,500 to have someone take care of the paperwork for you. That’s money well spent.

Tip-Toeing Around Environmental Issues

 Here’s a startling scenario: being accused of contaminating the environment.

The financial penalties alone can be enough to break a company, but the bad doesn’t stop there, especially if the local media gets involved. If you aren’t careful, the community that once supported you will quickly treat you as a pariah, as 74 percent of U.S. adults lean toward environmental protection.

It’s best to get your ducks in a row as soon as you discover something like this has happened. Nobody lines ducks up quite as good as a lawyer.

Anything to Do with Sexual Harassment

 Your company needs a lawyer-approved sexual harassment policy. And, your employees should know about it, preferably by way of a company-wide training lead by a legal professional. Then, if there is ever an issue involving anyone in your company (inside or outside of the office), you should have a lawyer on hand to diffuse the explosive situation, or at least help pick up the pieces.

When an Employee Files Suit

Your employees are what make your business run. Do everything you can to make them feel valuable, but never forget that every one of them is a potential liability. From discrimination accusations to a wrongful termination suit, there are countless ways an employee can cause legal trouble if he or she so chooses. Your best line of defense is an experienced lawyer who can clear up the matter before your business takes a PR hit or your wallet gets squeezed out like a sponge.

Injury Claims

 You’ve heard that the customer is always right. Well, that logic ends the moment one of them gets injured. If your business is approached by a personal injury attorney, your lawyer should be the one taking the questions and providing all the answers. Even if you’re innocent, an attorney can help streamline the process and hopefully either get the case thrown out or at least settle for the lowest amount possible. Keep this mind: If someone is suing you, then you better bet they will have a lawyer. If someone else is using a lawyer against you, then you absolutely must have one in your corner, too.

Starting a New Business

Successful businesses get that way by starting out with a strong foundation. That means dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s on all the legal documents associated with your new company. An experienced business law attorney doesn’t have to be involved in every step of the process, but you should bring one in eventually to make sure you have all your paperwork in order.

Closing Shop for Good

Sometimes a cashflow gap grows too large, and the smart business decision is to file for bankruptcy. It isn’t the end of the world. Many of the world’s most successful business owners suffered financial setbacks and were eventually able to rise above their mistakes relying even on the help of online cash advance as financial assistance or genius mind. Usually 3rd.

Elizabeth Warren even said, “Bankruptcy is about financial death and financial rebirth. Bankruptcy is the great American story rewritten.”

There are four different bankruptcy chapters to choose from. It’s important to pick the right one. The better the lawyer, the better the bankruptcy. A lawyer can help you navigate through the choppy waters of bankruptcy, so you will be in the best shape possible to start anew on the other side.

Here’s how the filings have broken down over the last several years.


Bankruptcy Filings by Chapter*
Year Chapter
7 11 12 13
2017 488,417 7,105 457 298,348
2016 523,394 7,380 440 302,193
2015 596,867 7,053 354 306,729
2014 699,982 8,564 388 329,256
2013 804,885 9,811 463 355,081


*Data collected from United States Courts.


Unless you’re running a family farm or are a family fisherman, then chances are the Chapter 12 option is not right for you. But choosing between the other three is trickier. There’s a lawyer out there who can help you choose and get ready faster to take another crack at entrepreneurship.

A Client Sends a Contract

 Before you sign the dotted line, it’s imperative to have a lawyer look over the document. A specialized attorney will be able to warn you about any risky language you may not notice, while also suggesting changes to the contract that will keep you and your business safer in the future.

Everything Expansion

 Whether you are purchasing new property, merging with another company, franchising out your business, or doing anything else to grow your company, a lawyer can help spot legal pitfalls that could jeopardize your developing business at the worst possible time.  When you get in over your head, it’s nice to have a strong set of shoulders to stand on. Lawyers aren’t cheap, but a lot of the time they are worth it.

Since lawyers will often offer a free consultation, it makes a lot of sense to meet with one when you feel like a situation is beyond your expertise. Keep a cool head, listen to what’s said, and you should be able to figure out whether you need the lawyer’s services or not. A lawyer can help you proactively protect your business from potentially devastating missteps, onslaughts, and even subversion from within. We hope our tips will help you know when to seek out a professional attorney.