Rhode Island Fractured Spine Compression Lawyer | Slepkow Law

Rhode Island Spine fracture attorney

Herniated disks and Spinal  fractures resulting from car accidents are very serious matters. The spinal column is made up of 33 vertebrae, which are small bones that protect the spinal cord from injury. Without the spinal column, it would be impossible to stand up straight, bend over or twist your body from side to side. Car accidents cause a variety of injuries, but back injuries are among the most common. In severe cases, the trauma from a car accident can cause a spinal fracture or disk herniation. Article authored by Rhode Island personal injury attorney, David Slepkow. If you suffered a spinal cord injury in a car, motor vehicle or motorcycle crash, then contact a Rhode Island Fractured Spine Compression Lawyer with experience litigating spinal cord injuries.

Spinal Fractures in car crash

Spinal Fractures as a result of a Rhode Island car accident

Spinal fractures, or breaks in the vertebrae, sometimes occur when the upper body moves forward while the pelvis remains in the same position. The most common symptom of a spinal fracture is back pain that gets worse with movement. Numbness, bladder or bowel dysfunction, and weakness in the limbs may occur if the fractured vertebra compresses the spinal cord. Depending on the extent of the injury, a surgeon may have to stabilize the fracture and decompress the spinal canal. It takes several months to recover completely, making it difficult for accident victims to participate in normal activities such as going to work, exercising, playing with children or doing household chores.

 Spinal cord injury caused by a Providence auto crash

Disks are the rubbery cushions located between the vertebrae of the spinal column. Each disk has a tough exterior with a jelly-like interior. Disk herniation occurs when the jelly-like material pushes through a crack in the disk’s exterior surface.  Herniated disks often cause back pain, but they may also cause muscle weakness, arm and leg pain, numbness or tingling. If medications and physical therapy do not relieve pain, a surgeon may have to remove the damaged portion of the disk. While accidents are a part of everyday life, it can be difficult to deal with when you have been hurt due to someone else’s negligence. The following is an overview of accident injuries causing a spinal fracture and how you may be able to obtain compensation after an accident.

Spinal Fracture

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, spinal fractures are most often caused by car accidents, falls, sports accidents, motorcycle crashes and acts of violence such as gun shot wounds. Spinal fractures can vary in severity, ranging from moderate to severe. When spinal fractures are the result of an accident, there are usually additional injuries that must be dealt with on an emergency basis. Spinal fractures that involved the spinal cord can cause numbness, tingling, weakness and the loss of bladder/bowel function. If the spinal cord is severed when the fracture occurs, paralysis may be the result.


A vertebroplasty is a procedure performed after a spinal fracture and it is designed to stabilize the spine which helps to reduce pain. Unlike many surgical procedures, a vertebroplasty is done with a small needle which punctures the skin instead of a surgical incision. During this procedure, cement is introduced into the spine where the fracture occurred which acts as a cast and keeps the spine stable. The procedure is typically short, lasting just an hour and the patient is free to leave afterward in most cases.


A kyphoplasty is also performed to stabilize the spine after a fracture. Unlike the vertebroplasty, this procedure requires a small incision to be made near the spinal fracture and is done under general anesthesia. A small balloon is placed into the damaged vertebrae and expands, which returns the spine to a more normal position. If successful, this procedure relieves the pain associated with the fracture. These are just a few procedures done to relieve spinal fractures after an accident. If you have suffered a spinal fracture due to the negligence of someone else, it may benefit you to speak with a personal injury attorney. After speaking with you about your accident and injuries, an attorney will be able to help you decide if you should move forward with a lawsuit. While filing a lawsuit will not take away the pain associated with your accident injuries, it may provide financial stability until you are back on your feet.

Legal Damages in Providence Superior Court

If you were involved in a Rhode Island car accident or a RI truck crash caused by another driver, you may be able to file a lawsuit to recover compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages. The first step in filing such a lawsuit is contacting an experienced East Providence car accident attorney or a Rhode Island personal injury lawyer. A personal injury attorney in Rhode Island will help you get the compensation you deserve as a result of your RI motorcycle, truck, car or bicycle accident.

RI car accident

In some cases, the driver is not the only person responsible for the  RI car accident. For example, if your vehicle is hit by an 18-wheeler with defective brakes, the trucking company may be at fault for failing to maintain the vehicle as required. If someone else hit your vehicle because a traffic light wasn’t working properly, your city or county may be partially liable for the accident. After reviewing your case, an experienced RI automobile collision attorney can advise you as to the best way to proceed with a lawsuit.

“One type of back injury common among car accident victims is called a herniated disc, also known as a slipped or ruptured disc. Discs are small, spongy cushions within the spinal column that separate and protect the vertebrae from one another and give the spine flexibility. The impact from a car accident can damage a disc, causing it to break or deform, thereby destroying its ability to cushion the bones of the spine. A damaged disc may also put pressure directly on nearby nerves, which can cause pain, numbness and weakness in any part of the body that the affected nerve travels to. Disc injuries in the lower back frequently lead to a condition called sciatica, which is characterized by shooting pain, numbness and tingling in the leg and/or buttock on either side. The pain associated with sciatica can be severe and debilitating, and has the potential to grow worse over time.” Disability Information Accidents and Disability  Back Injuries from Car Accidents Synopsis: Published 2011-07-17 — Types of back injuries associated with car accidents including compensation claims and medical costs. Author: Christiansen Law Offices