Hair relaxer lawsuit for injuries suffered by women who use hair straighteners and suffered from uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer and other injuries. Many victims who suffered cancer as a result of hair relaxer use are filing hair straightener lawsuits seeking justice and compensation. It is interesting that many victims refer to these lawsuits as hair relaxer lawsuits while others refer to them as hair straightener lawsuits. These cancer victims are seeking a lucrative hair relaxer settlement. The hair relaxer lawsuits are individual claims and not part of a chemical hair relaxer class action suit. It cannot be emphasized enough that there is no hair relaxer class action lawsuit in the United States. Chemical hair relaxers are infamous for impeding hormones and can lead to serious medical issues, specifically including uterine cancer as well as ovarian cancer. People are searching online for information about hair relaxers and cancer. Lately, a popular search has been, ‘when will the hair relaxer lawsuit be settled.’ In the last several months, there has been a rapidly growing amount of Dark & Lovely lawsuits as well as Just for Me lawsuits. There has been a steady stream of hair relaxer lawsuits that have been pursued against various manufacturers of hair straighteners, regularly utilized by African American women. These hair straightening lawsuits often allege improper warnings were provided by the manufacturer concerning the harmful side effects caused by toxic chemicals in the hair relaxers. In October 2022, an important study revealed the extent of the danger that women who regularly use hair relaxer products may face. The study showed that women who are exposed to the toxins in hair relaxers have more than twice the risk of uterine cancer than women who do not use these products. The study exemplified a causal link between the utilization of hair straighteners causing uterine cancer. Ladies who often used the hair relaxers faced over 155% greater chance of uterine cancer compared to ladies who refused to utilize hair straighteners. Certain victims are asserting that the chemical hair relaxers caused uterine fibroids, endometrial cancer or endometriosis leading to a hysterectomy (uterus removal). This article provides a hair relaxer lawsuit update. Update 9/2/24- Leadership of the hair straightener MDL has decided only cancer claims can be part of the hair relaxer MDL and Fibroid cases are not part of it, AT THIS TIME.) Unless something changes, there will not be a hair relaxer lawsuit fibroids payout

**This hair relaxer lawsuit post was updated by a lawyer on September 2nd, 2024 to provide victims the most updated information about hair straightening litigation and its link to cancer.
Chemical Hair Relaxer Lawsuit. The usage of hair straighteners is now linked to severe diseases such as endometrial and uterine cancer. If you or a family member have endured cancer after hair relaxer usage, you could qualify for substantial compensation via a hair relaxer lawsuit settlement. Many victims never believed there was a correlation between hair relaxers and cancer yet now are wondering, “which hair relaxers cause cancer?” Nonetheless, these victims can file a hair relaxer lawsuit to extract a lucrative hair relaxer settlement compensation from the alleged tortfeasor.
What is the criteria to file a hair relaxer lawsuit in the MDL?
(hair relaxer lawsuit update- 9/02/24)
- Must have used hair relaxer product for a minimum of 5 years continuously
- Must be diagnosed in 2005 or later with any of the following cancers: Endometrial Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Uterine Cancer
- Must have a diagnosis within 10 years of the last use of the product
- Any death must be within 10 years
- Fibroid diagnosis is not part of the lawsuit, at this time.
Signs of uterine cancer
It’s crucial to get advice from your doctor right away if you have one or more of the following uterine cancer symptoms:
- Lower abdomen cramping / pain (right below belly) or in the pelvic region.
- Bleeding from vagina.
- Spotting in between periods prior to menopause.
- Blood from vagina as well as any spotting after menopause.
- Vagina bleeding often, substantial, or over a long period of time for woman 40 and over.
- Vaginal discharge that is either clear or white. (women who have already commenced menopause)
Slepkow Law is a top source of information, updates and news concerning hair straightener claims in the United States. We are zealously informing victims and the public. Do not foget to bookmark this blog and visit often for our weekly hair relaxer lawsuit update.
Is there a uterine cancer class action lawsuit for hair relaxer products?
There is no hair relaxer class action. However there is a hair relaxer MDL which allows individual hair straightener lawsuits using private lawyers to seek hair straightener compensation. There are over 8,o00 hair relaxer lawsuits against L’Oreal USA Inc as well as other manufacturers. These claims assert that the chemicals in hair relaxer products cause Endometrial Cancer, Ovarian Cancer and Uterine Cancer. A hair relaxer class action lawsuit would be very detrimental to victims and victims should be thankful there is no hair straightener class action.
when will the hair relaxer lawsuit be settled?
The hair straightener lawsuits are in still in the early stages of litigation. There are thousands of filed cases and many defendants. The litigation is complex. It is likely to take 2-4 years or more before the hair relaxer lawsuits will be settled and compensation will be paid. It is also unknown what the hair relaxer lawsuit settlement amounts will be. It is possible that there will never be a global settlement. The lawsuits could possibly be dismissed or the MDL could be dissolved and the cases sent across the United States for jury trials on the merits.
Has anyone received a settlement from the hair relaxer lawsuit?
There are no reported hair relaxer settlements at this time. It is possible, but unlikely, that there have been confidential hair relaxer settlements between some hair relaxer cancer victims and the companies.
Who is eligible to pursue a hair relaxer lawsuit?
Victims can file a chemical hair straightener claim if the victim:
- Utilized chemical hair straighteners.
- Endured an endometrial, ovarian, or uterine cancer diagnosis.
Do I qualify for the chemical Hair relaxer cancer lawsuit?
- Used chemical hair relaxers and or hair straighteners
- Later received a devastating diagnosed of: uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer,
- Within the applicable statute of limitations.
- Other severe medical conditions such as fibroids are not part of the lawsuit at this time.
This information hopefully answers the constant questions on google about “how do you qualify for a hair relaxer lawsuit?”
What are the criteria for a good chemical hair relaxer lawsuit?
- The victim must be aware of the hair relaxer brand used.
- A minimum of continuous 5 years of hair straightener usage prior to diagnosis.
- A diagnosis in 2005 or after, utilizing the hair straightener with a diagnosis of : Uterine Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Endometrial Cancer, Endometrioid Ovarian Cancer,
- Mucinous Ovarian, Undifferentiated Ovarian or Uterine Fibroids with surgery are not part of the lawsuit at this time
- Victim under 60 years old at the time of Diagnosis.
- If there is a fatality, the death within 10 years.
What are the criteria for the most lucrative and best hair relaxer lawsuits?
- Knowledge of brand used.
- At least five years of regular hair straightener usage
- Over one year of time elapsing between the first exposure to hair relaxers and the diagnosis of one of the below listed 3 cancers.
- Over one year of time elapsing between between the first complete year of usage and the cancer diagnosis
- Diagnosed with: Uterine cancer, Ovarian cancer, Endometrial cancer.
List of defendants in hair relaxer MDL: Which hair relaxers cause cancer?
- L’Oréal USA, Inc.,
- L’Oréal USA Products, Inc. (“L’Oréal”),
- SoftSheen-Carson LLC (“SoftSheen”),
- Revlon, Inc.,
- Revlon Consumer Products Corporation (“Revlon”)
- Strength of Nature, LLC(“Strength of Nature”),
- Godrej SON Holdings, Inc. (“Godrej”),
- Dabur International Ltd., Dabur International USA Ltd. (“Dabur”),
- Namaste Laboratories, L.L.C. (“Namaste”),
- Dermoviva Skin Essentials, Inc. (“Dermoviva”),
- AFAM Concept, Inc. d/b/a JF Labs, Inc. (“JF Labs”),
- Parfums de Coeur, Ltd. d/b/a PDC Brands (“PDC Brands”),
- McBride Research Laboratories, Inc. (“McBride”),
- Avlon Industries (“Avlon”),
- Beauty Bell Enterprises, LLC d/b/a House of Cheatham, Inc. (“House of Cheatham”),
- Luster Products, Inc. (“Luster”),
- Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc d/b/a Silk Elements (“Sally Beauty”)
Hair relaxer lawsuit update (September 2024):
Our lawyers have been and will continue to provide the most reliable source of news concerning updates, as well as information concerning hair relaxer lawsuits in the United States. Our law firm is committed to informing victims of their legal rights. Save this page URL and get the latest hair relaxer class action lawsuit information.
June 30th, 2024- L’Oréal, SoftSheen-Carson and Strength of Nature suffered a resounding loss by a Georgia appellate Court. The companies were attempting to dismiss a Georgia victim’s hair relaxer lawsuit that asserted that the manufacturers refused to warn victims about the hazards of the hair relaxers causing uterine fibroids. The Georgia Appellate Court determined that Kiara Burroughs’ hair relaxer lawsuit could move forward in state court in Georgia. The victim utilized chemical hair relaxers for approximately 10 years from her childhood until she was was a young adult, as established in documentation from Court.
June 10, 2024 – consolidated litigation drops approximately 300 lawsuits
The amount of hair relaxer lawsuits being litigated in the hair relaxer class action MDL decreased by around 300 lawsuits in May of 2024. Victims have decided to dismiss lawsuits pertaining to non-cancer diseases and conditions. There are now over 8,169 pending lawsuits in the MDL.
June 8, 2024 – Plaintiff Fact Sheet minor brouhaha
The manufacturers are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill about incomplete Plaintiff fact sheets. The Defendants are nit picking some of these fact sheets and some complaints have some merit. However, there is not much to see here, relatively – this is a minor dustup.
May 18, 2024 –
As a result of the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of Revlon, there was an onslaught of lawsuits pursued by women who believed they most likely had uterine, endometrial or ovarian cancer caused by Revlon. These ladies rushed their lawsuits so that the Bankruptcy lawsuit would not precude them from compensation. On May 14, victims e-filed a motion for leave to dismiss cases without prejudice (PDF) for ladies who filed lawsuits but did not have an ovarian, uterine or endometrial cancer diagnosis. These woman want to be allowed to refile their lawsuits if they are diagnosed with any of these three cancers in the future. The motion for leave states in pertinent part “These Plaintiffs believed they were under immediate time pressure to file claims even though they had not been able to secure all of the confirming medical records on short notice. At the time their cases were filed, they believed they were diagnosed with ovarian, uterine, or endometrial cancer, but later learned they had not been.”
May 12, 2024- Lawsuit Update
The pace of new hair relaxer lawsuit case filings has slowed dramatically. April 2024 was an extremely slow period for the hair straightener class action MDL. Only a bit over 80 new lawsuits were filed into the MDL in April. This was more filings than the 53 new lawsuits filed in March, 2024. However, the claims filed in March and April were dramatically less than the 3,000 new lawsuits in one month about a year ago. Currently, there are over 8,450 lawsuits in the MDL class action.
May 3, 2024 –
The FDA has not yet banned a formaldehyde utilized in hair-relaxers, even though there are worries concerning it causing cancer, especially leading to cancer diagnosis among African American ladies.
May 1, 2024 –
A docket report (PDF) was published on May 1st. According to the docket report, there are over 8,468 hair relaxer lawsuits pursued by ladies who assert that they were diagnosed with cancer or suffered other injuries from hair straightener usage.
March 14, 2024-
Attorneys representing victims who were injured due to a greater exposure to cancer resulting from harmful hair straighteners, are requesting that a Federal Court Justice quash a play by hair relaxer manufacturers to end all lawsuits being litigated in the MDL class action. The law firms assert that manufacturers are rehashing their greatest hits that have not been successful before judges.
March 7, 2024 – Discovery and pretrial issues
The magistrate handling these lawsuits engaged in a status proceeding, concerning three pending issues:
- Determing who the Special Master will be: The Federal Court Justice is looking into possible candidates for Special Master. Professor Maura Grossman was requested to draft an affidavit to set forth possible conflicts of interest. The litigants were provided an opportunity to go over the affidavit and object if they so choose.
- Legacy System Discovery: The Court established a schedule to resolve litigant skirmishes concerning answering interrogatories and objections to the discovery. This specifically included certain deadlines for discovery issues.
- Search methodologies : The litigants must file a Joint Status Report by on or before April 5, 2024. This joint report must include updated info on attempts of the parties to reach settlements on the methodologies of search. The tribunal will probably require that this issue be resolved 30 days after a Special Master has been selected.
The Court scheduled a hearing on April 11, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.
March 6, 2024 –
The parties are disputing procedures for dismissing lawsuits in the MDL. Victim’s attorneys are advocating to be allowed to dismiss their lawsuits voluntarily without prejudice. They are also seeking to be allowed to amend their lawsuits prior to the manufacturers’ hair relaxer lawyers e-filing a response (answer). Victims assert that manufacurers’ blanket refusal to agree to dismissals is not in line with typical MDL process and unfairly harasses the Federal Court with unnecessary motions.
March 4, 2024 – Subpoena of National Institutes of Health
Revlon is pursuing a subpoena of the National Institutes of Health. Revlon’s counsel is demanding certain documents concerning the White study from 2021 as well as the 2022 Chang study. Victims’ attorneys are filing a Motion to Quash the subpoena before the return date.
March 2nd, 2024 – over 115 New lawsuits filed in the MDL
In 2023, it was not unusual for thousands of lawsuits to be filed into the MDL each month. Commencing November 2023, new hair relaxer lawsuit filings slowed considerably. In Febuary 2024, approximetely 115 new lawsuits were filed.
March 1, 2024-
A recently released docket report (PDF) asserts that over 8,330 hair relaxer lawsuits allege that woman suffered through uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and other illnesses caused by hair straighteners.
February 23, 2024 – Special Master for Electronic Discovery
The litigants have agreed to utilize Honorable Paul Grimm (retired) to be special master for electronic discovery. Paul Grimm is a highly skilled special master who is well known in litigation circles. Manufacturer’s attorneys are making ridiculous requests to cap monthly fees and costs at $10,000. The Victims are in opposition to any fee caps. Judge Grimm charges approximately $750 an hour
February 10, 2024- Special Master appointed in hair relaxer MDL
The manufacturers are vehemently opposed to a special master, calling a special master “unnecessary.” The defendants do not want a special master involved in the hair relaxer lawsuits but if there is a special master they do not want attorney Philip Favro to be the special master. The Defendant’s lawyers question Mr. Favro’s impartiality. The manufacturers ask that retired Judge Sidney Schenkier gain the title of special master, if one is really necessary.
February 7th, 2024 – January statistics
January statistics indicate that nearly 200 hair relaxer lawsuits were filed in the hair relaxer class action MDL. There are now over 8,220 lawsuits filed into the MDL (as of 2/12/24). In the summer of 2023, there was an average of 2,000 to 3,000 new hair straightener lawsuits per month.
January 31, 2024 – New hair relaxer Lawsuit filed
A significant lawsuit, using a standard short form complaint, was e-filed on January 3oth, 2024 seeking hair relaxer compensation against L’Oreal. The case is titled, Grinston v. L’Oreal USA. The victim, who is a resident of Illinois, suffered with uterine cancer in 2022.
January 4, 2024 – judge approves victims’ Motion to Compel discovery
Judge Rowland ruled in favor of the Plaintiffs that they are entitled to discovery by on or before 2/29/24 from the manufacturers concerning hair products sold outside the country (U.S.)
December 27, 2023 – Consolidated Federal Lawsuit (MDL) nears 8,000 filed Covidien lawsuits.
In the prior several months, the hair relaxer class action / MDL grew exponentially by sometimes as much as 1,000 cases a month.(The hair relaxer lawsuits are not actually a hair relaxer class action but many lay people believe that these types of consolidated lawsuits are, in fact, class action lawsuits.) Surprisingly, in the November 2023 time period, less than 20 new hair relaxer lawsuits were filed into the MDL.
November 2, 2023 – The MDL Fund was set at 11 percent.
The hair relaxer victim lawyers are pursuing a motion demanding that the MDL justice rubber stamp an 11% common benefit fund fee, holdback. What constitutes a common benefit fund? This is a fund set up by the Justice of the MDL in order to pay lawyers for legal work that provides a benefit to all victims that are part of the MDL class action. A common benefit fund, established by the Judge in charge of the MDL litigation, takes a portion of a settlement from an individual litigant before the litigant recieves the settlement
Is 11% too much? It seems like it is a very greedy amount, considering that victims’ attorneys will get 9% in the 3M defective earplug MDL litigation; and 3% in the Camp Lejeune water contamination consolidated lawsuit.
December 2nd, 2023-
Women across the United States have filed over 7,000 hair relaxer lawsuit claims versus cosmetics corporations, alleging that the hair relaxer caused: uterine cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer as well as other medical issues.
October 20th, 2023:
In Early October, Boston University’s Black Women’s Health Study released the findings of a long-duration research (Going back to 1995). This study evaluated the medical records of almost 60,000 African American ladies. The research determined that ladies who utilized hair straighteners had a much higher likelihood of a uterine cancer diagnosis.
October 4, 2023 – Revlon Bankruptcy ruling
One rational for the avalanche of newly filed hair relaxer lawsuits is because Revlon filed for Bankruptcy. The Federal bankruptcy justice ruled that attorneys must file a lawsuit on behalf of victims to have a legitimate right to compensation from Revlon.
October 2, 2023 – The Judge issues MDL Order related to case management
In an apparent attempt to help manage the avalanche of hair relaxer lawsuits, Justice Rowland promulgated Case Management Order No. 9. This case management order promulgates new guidelines for lawyers to utilize a Short Form Complaint (SFC) for new lawsuits filed into the hair relaxer lawsuits MDL.
August 1, 2023- Defendant’s file motion to dismiss
The manufacturers of hair straightening products made of chemicals are steering down the barrel of hundreds of lawsuits. They filed a joint motion to dismiss the hair relaxer lawsuits, asserting that victims did not specify which hair straightener product actually caused them harm.
July 18, 2023 – New MDL lawsuit filings reach high for a month
Many people predicted that new lawsuits would increase in the hair relaxer class action lawsuit. Nearly 90 hair relaxer lawsuits were filed in the MDL in June of 2023. This was the most hair straightener lawsuits filed in the MDL since the inception of the consolidated federal court lawsuit. In the last 4 months, there has been an uptick in new lawsuits. In February 2023 there were about 2o lawsuits in the consolidated litigation. There are currently over 230 lawsuits pending in the litigation.
July 15, 2023- A recent study alerts hairdressers and people who make a living in hair salons that they are subject to a three times greater chance of ovarian cancer compared to workers in other assorted professions.
A report was published in the medical journal The BMJ. Researchers in Canada determined that particular work related exposures of beauticians, barbers and others who work at beauty salons greatly increased their chance of an ovarian cancer diagnosis. The research determined that the risks of exposure to a number of chemicals like: ammonia, fluorocarbons, hydrogen peroxide, cosmetic talc and various chemicals in popular products regularly used in salons lead to an increase risk of ovarian cancer. In this research, conducted in Montreal, researchers utilized a case-controlled study from data culled from 2010 to 2016.
The research determined that the increased chance of an ovarian diagnosis related to exposures to: ammonia, cosmetic talk, hair dust, ethanol, propellant gases, formaldehyde, cellulose, synthetic fibers, hydrogen peroxide, polyester fibers, organic dyes and pigments, aliphatic alcohols, and hydrocarbons.
July 9th, 2023: The hair straightener companies, who are defendants in the litigation, teamed up to file a motion to dismiss (PDF) the Master Complaint. The corporations assert that victim’s lawyers do not have a valid hair straightener lawsuit. They assert “Third, Plaintiffs’ products liability claims (First, Third, Fourth and Fifth Causes of Action), fail to provide Defendants with essential information related to any transaction or occurrence between them and Plaintiffs, as Plaintiffs have not identified the products they used, whether those products contained Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (“EDCs”), or which EDCs plaintiffs were exposed to that caused their specific alleged injuries.”
The Court left open the possibility of oral arguments on the motion to dismiss in a docket entry . The Court stated, “If parties would like oral argument Defendants’ motion to dismiss, they can raise that request with the Court on 8/23/23.”
Plaintiffs’ response to the motion to dismiss is due 8/4/23. Defendants’ reply is due 8/25/23
July 1, 2023- Hair relaxer lawsuit victims in the Federal Court consolidated litigation (MDL) have drafted and filed a master complaint. This master complaint sets forth a detailed and all encompassing set of allegations that allege an association between consistent exposure to synthetic chemicals in hair-straighteners and various types of cancer.
June 3oth, 2023 – Charlotte Bowers is an endometrial cancer victim who filed a hair relaxer lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. The lawsuit alleges that numerous popular hair relaxer products lead to her endometrial cancer.
Jun 27th, 2023- There are well over 150 victims with filed lawsuits in the hair straightener MDL. This MDL is not a hair relaxer class action. In a 30 day period, approximately 30 claims were filed into the MDL. New hair relaxer claims will increase dramatically in the near future.
May 1st, 2023- New Hair Straightener lawsuit filed- A lady from Louisiana filed a hair relaxer lawsuit asserting that her uterine cancer as well as her endometriosis were linked to her consistent and lengthy close contact to phthalates as well as other endocrine-disrupting substances located in hair relaxers produced by L’Oreal as well as other manufacturers.
March 6th, 2023- The United States District Judge who presides over lawsuits filed in Federal Court has set a group of lawyers in leadership positions in the consolidated hair relaxer lawsuits MDL. These attorneys will help victims who suffered ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, endometrial cancer and other illnesses
2/19/23- Women continue to file hair relaxer lawsuits in 2023. In November of 2022, victims filed a motion to centralize claims in Federal Court in the Multidistrict litigation (Case MDL No. 3060) This MDL is known as- “IN RE: Hair Relaxer Marketing, Sales Practices, and Products Liability Litigation. The transferee Federal Court Justice is: Rowland, Mary M. This motion was filed at the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.
2/6/23- the United States Judicial Panel on Multi-district Litigation (JPML) combined nearly 50 hair relaxer lawsuits asserting that hair straightener products caused cancer, endometriosis as well as numerous reproductive health medical issues. Read the transfer order here.
The hair relaxer claims were consolidated into what is known as an (MDL). The hair relaxer lawsuits were transferred to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Judge Mary M. Rowland will be the presiding judge. Before being transferred, the lawsuits were before 19 federal judicial districts throughout the United States. The District include but are not limited to New York, Missouri, Georgia, Ohio, Illinois as well as California. The following manufacturers opposed the consolidation:
- subsidiaries of L’Oréal S.A.,
- Godrej SON Holdings, Inc.,
- Strength of Nature, LLC,
- Dabur International Ltd.
In the last several years, the cosmetic and beauty industry has been rocked by hundreds of lawsuits. Many of these lawsuits target hair relaxer manufacturers. These hair straigtener lawsuits assert that the hair relaxer are dangerous, causing issues with the endocrine systems of victims. The hair relaxer lawsuit lawyers assert that the product leads to uterine and ovarian cancers.
When will the hair relaxer lawsuit be settled?
It will likely take several years for a hair relaxer settlement. It could even take up to 6 years for a hair relaxer lawsuit settlement.
Potentially harmful chemical human carcinogen hair relaxers
Our lawyers at Slepkow Law are looking at cancers that result from chemical hair relaxers. Millions of hair relaxer productd gave been sold at CVS and Walgreens. These hair straighteners are partly comprised of formaldehyde and other endocrine-disrupting chemicals. These types of chemicals are infamous for causing cancer in humans. These hair relaxers are human carcinogens. The FDA has suggested banning the use of formaldehyde in hair straighteners / relaxers.
Phthalates, is a likely carcinogen notorious for interfering with the endocrine system and is a fragrance utilized in hair relaxers. Phthalates are banned in many products used by consumers in sections of Europe and in certain states, such as California. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration rules for beauty and cosmetic products refuse to require a thorough list of chemicals on the product label. Phthalates are often utilized to formulate perfumes so the perfume can be used for longer periods and are described on the label only as “fragrance.”
2022 Study published in Journal of the National Cancer Institute by the NIH
This October, 2022 study followed several other research findings that have tied hair relaxers to other forms of cancer. Now, women who have been diagnosed with cancer after years of using hair relaxer products are coming forward to file lawsuits seeking financial compensation. If you used hair relaxers and were diagnosed with uterine cancer, ovarian cancer or endometrial cancer, you can file an individual hair relaxer lawsuit seeking a hair relaxer settlement or verdict.
“The study data includes 33,497 U.S. women ages 35-74 participating in the Sister Study, a study led by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of NIH, that seeks to identify risk factors for breast cancer and other health conditions. The women were followed for almost 11 years and during that time 378 uterine cancer cases were diagnosed.” NIH
Relaxer lawsuit
The groundbreaking study was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The study was performed and executed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The study determined a greater chance of uterine cancer in victims who utilize hair straightening relaxers or chemicals. Regular usage of of chemical relaxers leads to a double likelihood of developing uterine cancer. This is compared to all people who do not utilize hair relaxers. Regular usage is a person who uses chemical straighteners or relaxers over four times a year.
Hair relaxers and cancer
The National Institutes of Health studied 34,000 women between 35 through 74. This study went on for more than 11 years. The study determined that there were much greater numbers of uterine cancer diagnosis in ladies who used hair straighteners. The NIH research determined that approximately 1.64% of women who refused to utilize chemical hair relaxers would be diagnosed with uterine cancer before reaching 70 years of age. People who used hair relaxers had a 3 times greater chance to develop uterine cancer than ladies who refused to use hair straightener products.
hair relaxer lawsuit settlement amounts
Medical scientists as well as researchers were confused for a long period of time (decades) why black people had high uterine cancer diagnosis rates. Research has shown that black women are not predisposed to developing uterine cancer / ovarian cancer. Because African American woman use these dangerous hair relaxers, they are more likely to suffer from uterine cancer.
Hair relaxer corporations knew that phthalates cause medical problems
The victims in the hair relaxer lawsuits, who are mostly African-American ladies, assert that the hair relaxer corporations, such as L’oreal, knew that phthalates cause medical problems. These phthalates include di-2-ethylhexylphthalate as well as assorted endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), The MDL is under the control of Federal Court Justice Mary Rowlan in the Northern District of Illinois. This litigation alleges that L’Oreal, Revlon as well as other companies “sold, distributed, advertised, and promoted toxic hair relaxer products that caused Plaintiffs to develop uterine and other types of cancers.”
Hair relaxer settlement
“In 2020, the global Black Hair care market was estimated at $2.5 billion, with the hair relaxer market alone estimated at $718 million in 2021, with the expectation of growth to $854 million annually by 2028.” Complaint in CHARLOTTE BOWERS Plaintiffv. L’OREAL USA, INC., L’OREAL USA,PRODUCTS, INC., SOFT SHEEN -, CARSON, LLC, GODREJ SON HOLDINGS, INC.,AVLON INDUSTRIES, INC.
What are the toxic, carcinogenic and dangerous chemicals in hair relaxers?
- phthalates,
- parabens,
- cyclosiloxanes, di-(2-ethylhexyl),
- octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane,
- lye,
- formaldehyde,
- other toxic chemicals.
These chemicals are infamous for disrupting and harming the endocrine system of a woman.
What is the significance of the endocrine system?
The endocrine system is needed to maintain life and affects almost all cells, as well as various organs. The endocrine system is crucial to regulate biological mechanisms from conception until death. This includes how the brain and nervous system develops, the development of of the reproductive system and involves metabolism and blood sugar levels. The endocrine system functioning is crucial to proper hormonal homeostasis, hormonal production and degradation.
Fertility & Hair relaxers
A Boston University School of Public Health study has shown a causal link from hair straighteners to a decrease in fertility. The study, set forth in a journal known as the American Journal of Epidemiology, shows a racial lack of similarity, tending to prove that Black, Hispanic, and others with a mixed-race have a greater likelihood to utilize hair relaxer chemicals leading to exposure to dangerous and malicious chemicals. The study also determined that certain racial groups commenced utilizing relaxers earlier, more often, and for extended periods of time. This correlated with a lower chance of pregnancy.
This is not surprising? Why would it be surprising? This research is consistent with other health risks caused by exposure to dangerous chemicals found in beauty products. These chemicals include:
- phthalates,
- phenols,
- parabens
These chemicals may intervene with the endocrine system and lead to a lower chance of fertility.
Hair Relaxer Chemicals Cause Uterine Cancer
Ladies who utilized chemical hair relaxer products often have 2 times the chance of a uterine cancer diagnosis as compared to woman who did not utilize hair relaxers, as described by a recent research study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Uterine cancer is about 3% of all cancer diagnoses a year. However, numerous studies indicate that the number of Uterine cancer diagnosis is increasing — especially among African American ladies — with nearly 66,000 new diagnosis approximately in the year 2022.
Hair straightener lawsuit
Sadly, approximately 60% of the the study subjects who asserted that they used hair relaxers in the NIH study were Black ladies. In the past, hair relaxers were purposefully targeted towards black women to promote a Eurocentric beauty guide. Hair straightener Lawsuits have been pursued against L’Oréal as well as numerous hair relaxer corporations. If a family member or yourself was diagnosed with uterine cancer, you can file a lawsuit.
Ovarian cancer linked to hair straighteners
- Research reveals that people who often use hair relaxers (more than 4 times a year) had a greater likelihood to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. (2x’s as likely)
Hair Straightener Hysterectomy Lawsuit
Victims assert that exposure in hair-relaxer chemicals in products like Dark & Lovely, Just For Me, ORS Olive Oil, and Optimum have lead them to a devastating cancer diagnosis. Many of these cancer diagnosis include uterus, breast or ovaries. Victims allege uterine fibroids, endometrial cancer or endometriosis were caused by the hair straighteners. There have been numerous hair- relaxer product liability claims alleging uterine fibroids necessitated a uterus removal (hysterectomy) in order for proper treatment to occur.
SoftSheen Carson Hair Relaxers
Hair straighteners are a type of cosmetic utilized by black women to lead their normally curly hair to be straight. Hair straighteners use a powerful brew of chemicals that decompose the structure of protein contained in hair follicles. Well over 75 percent of African American women in the United States use hair relaxers.
SoftSheen Carson is a top manufacturers of hair straightener cosmetics. SoftSheen has two of the the most popular hair straightener products that are sold in stores. These two popular products are: Optimum as well as Dark & Lovely. SoftSheen Carson straightener cosmetics are on the shelves at big time stores in the U.S., such as: Walmart, Walgreens, Amazon and CVS. SoftSheen Carson is a wholly owned subsidiary of L’Oreal. L’Oreal purchased Soft Sheen Carson over 20 years ago. L’Oreal is believed to be the largest cosmetic corporation on the globe.
Hair Relaxers lawsuits
Hair relaxer is used primarily by African American women who have tight curls in their hair and want to straighten them. Women begin using hair relaxers at a young age and continue using them for decades. These products are both used by licensed cosmetologists and by women at home. Contact us if you need to file a hair relaxer lawsuit. Hair relaxer lawsuit updates:
How much can you get from the hair relaxer lawsuit?
Update on hair relaxer lawsuit
- severity of injuries,
- the amount of medical and hospital bills (Medical bills for hysterectomy, chemotherapy or other medical bills)
- Lost wages or loss of earning capacity
- Was the cancer fatal?
- The number of claims filed.
- The amount of verdicts in the bellwether trials
- Whether the manufacturers are winning jury trials and the various rulings of the Judge.
- Other factors
At the end of the day, no one knows the amount of a hair relaxer settlement. No one knows if the lawsuits will even lead to settlement or judgment.
Hair Care Products that May Cause Various Types of Cancer
Here are some of the brands of hair relaxers that are available on the market at stores such as CVS and Walgreens:
- Brazilian Blowout®
- Crème of Nature®
- Dark & Lovely®
- Just for Me®
- Motions®
- Olive Oil Relaxer™
- Optimum Care®
- Organic Root Stimulator™
- Soft & Beautiful®
Many people are wondering which hair relaxers cause cancer? Some of the manufacturers we are investigating:
- L’Oréal USA,
- Strength of Nature,
- Soft Sheen/Carson,
- Dabur,
- Namaste Laboratories
- Godrej SON Holdings
Popular Hair Relaxer Products Chemicals distributed in the United States
Certain chemical hair straightener products on sale in the U.S. including the name of the manufacturers:
- Dark and Lovely Healthy-Gloss 5 Relaxer System Manufactured by L’Oreal USA
- Affirm Relaxer System manufactured by Avlon Industries
- ORS Olive Oil Built-In Protection New Growth No-Lye Relaxer System by Organic Root Stimulator (ORS) Hair Care
- Easy Waves Extra Strength Regular Formula Hair Relaxed Gel Activator Comb-Thru Wave Setter and Wave Starter from Cureplex
- Positively Smooth Relaxer System manufactured by African Pride
- TCB Naturals No Base Cream Relaxer System manufactured by Soft Sheen Carson
- Soft & Beautiful Botanicals by L’Oreal USA
- Ultra Glaze Professional Hair Strengthening Creme Relaxer Kit by Ultra Glaze
- Lusters S-Curl Texturizer No Base Creme Relaxer Manufactured by Luster Products Inc.
- Just For Me No-Lye Relaxer System Sensitive Scalp Care Formula manufactured by Soft Sheen Carson
- Next Generation PRO 5, No Base Cream Relaxer System manufactured by Dark & Lovely
Is there a hair relaxer class action?
There is no hair straightener class actions in the United States. This is tremendously good news. Class actions only benefit lawyers and rarely benefit victims. Our law firm would never get involved in a hair relaxer class action suit.
The Two Primary Types of Hair Relaxers
The global hair relaxer market has grown to nearly $1 billion per year in sales. There are two different types of hair relaxers:
- Lye relaxers – lye is the predominant ingredient in breaking down the hair. This is a stronger product that is used by salon professionals, and it can be harder on the scalp.
- Non-lye relaxers – these hair relaxers need to be mixed at home. They are easier on the scalp, but they require more frequent application.
It has been known for years that hair relaxer products are potentially dangerous. After all, being exposed to a mix of very powerful chemicals is never a good thing for the human body. It is only over the last five years that the full extent of the danger of hair relaxers is coming into view.
Hair Relaxers May Contain Formaldehyde or Products that Can Turn Into It
In 2011, the Food and Drug Administration gave one of the first indications of the danger of certain hair relaxing products. Specifically, the FDA issued a warning letter to the manufacturers of the popular product Brazilian Blowout. The company had marketed its products as being formaldehyde-free. However, according to the Food and Drug Administration, Brazilian Blowout had numerous chemicals that turned to formaldehyde when they were exposed to high heat. This marketing issue did not reveal the full extent of the danger that women face. Nonetheless, formaldehyde is known as a carcinogen.
There Is a Connection Between Hair Relaxers and Breast Cancer
In 2017, researchers at Rutgers University published a study that found a statistical correlation between the use of hair relaxers and breast cancer in African-American women. The study analyzed both the use of hair dye in white women and hair relaxers in African American women. With regard to hair relaxers, researchers found that women who use the product were 51% more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer. Among women who use hair dyes, the risk of breast cancer was 74% higher than women who do not use the product.
Relaxer lawsuit
The study was not intended to be definitive proof of the fact that hair relaxers cause cancer. However, it was intended to demonstrate a statistical correlation between the product and cancer. The researchers noted that hair relaxers and dyes make him pain as many as 5,000 individual chemicals in one product. Some of these chemicals interfere with the body’s endocrine system.
Researchers from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences analyzed data from a large “Sister Study” to determine whether women who used hair dye and hair straighteners had a higher incidence of cancer. The results of a 2019 study were largely consistent with the findings of the Rutgers University researchers. Here, the researchers found that women who use hair relaxers were 30% more likely to develop breast cancer than others.
Hair relaxer settlement
Top attorneys will help victims get a large hair relaxer settlement that will help victims get compensation and a sense of justice
Recent Study Shows a Connection Between Hair Relaxers & Uterine Cancer
In October 2022, perhaps the most alarming study about hair relaxers to date was released in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. This time, researchers studied whether there was a car relation between the use of hair relaxers and uterine cancer. Here, the numbers were even more frightening for women who have used these products for decades. In general, the average woman has a 1.6% chance of being diagnosed with uterine cancer. However, women who use hair relaxers have a 4% chance of being diagnosed with the illness. Thus, hair relaxers are connected with almost triple the risk of uterine cancer. The combination of endocrine-disrupting and carcinogenic chemicals is what makes hair relaxers more dangerous.
Women Are filing lawsuits against hair product manufacturers
Shortly after the release of the October 2022 study, injured women began to file lawsuits against the manufacturers of these products. In one of the first cases, a 32 year old Missouri woman filed a lawsuit against L’Oreal, claiming that her uterine cancer was the direct result of the use of hair relaxers. She had been using these products since the time she was eight years old. By the time she was 28, she was diagnosed with uterine cancer and needed a complete hysterectomy.
In the days afterward, numerous additional plaintiffs stepped forward with their own lawsuits. Although the exact number of lawsuits is unknown at this time, women are increasingly filing claims for compensation due to the damage that they suffered from hair relaxers.
There is a motion to consolidate the cases into multi-district litigation
At present, the number of hair relaxer lawsuits is beginning to grow. Many women filed claims after the study was released in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Currently, plaintiffs have filed a motion in federal court, seeking the consolidation of the existing cases into multidistrict litigation. While each lawsuit would be heard by its own jury, the cases would proceed together through the discovery process, establishing a common evidentiary record for juries to consider. In multidistrict litigation, the court will select bellwether cases that will be tried first. The outcome of bellwether cases often persuades defendants that they need to negotiate a global settlement agreement.
Hair relaxer lawsuit fibroids
The motion for multidistrict litigation is being opposed by the defendants. They have asked the court to base the litigation in the Southern District of New York. The plaintiffs have asked that the multidistrict litigation be based in the Northern District of Illinois. Currently, the court has scheduled a hearing on the motion in January 2023. We predict that many additional plaintiffs are set to come forward as they learn about the harmful effects of hair relaxer products.
Hair relaxer lawsuits
Currently, these cases are at the very beginning of their legal process. It will likely take years for the first case to go to trial. Nonetheless, you must come forward and file your lawsuit before the statute of limitations expires. If you miss this deadline, you will lose the right to file a lawsuit.
- Hair relaxers are infamously linked to scalp irritation, burns of the skin, and in certain victims- cancer.
- Hair relaxers hold within certain chemicals such as guanidine carbonate, lammonium thioglycolate and sodium hydroxide. These chemicals may cause problems to a human scalp and lead to rashes.
- Exposure to chemicals in hair relaxers may lead to long-term health complications, like a compromised immune system as well as a greater chance of a cancer diagnosis such as: uterine cancer, breast cancer, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma or bladder cancer.
- Use of hair straighteners long term may lead to brittle and weakened hair, resulting in hair loss.
- Another risk linked to chemical hair relaxers is that it contains formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is an infamous carcinogen that may be absorbed into the skin. It also can be inhaled from vapors while being applied.
- Formaldehyde may cause numerous medical issues such as eye and respiratory health concerns and a greater risk of various types of cancer, like tumor in the nasal cavity.
Diagnosed with cancer
If you or a loved one used hair relaxers, and you were diagnosed with cancer, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Compensation will be obtained through an individual lawsuit not a hair relaxer class action suit! A hair straightener class action will only benefit the lawyers and will pay the victims pennies on the dollar. You may also be entitled to compensation for Endometriosis with Infertility and uterine fibroids with infertility. Contact an experienced attorney to learn more about your legal rights and how you may file a claim that could lead to a potential settlement or jury award.
Hair relaxer and cancer
Hair relaxer and cancer were never believed to be related until recently. Now, the issues isn’t: do relaxers cause cancer, the real issue is: Which hair relaxers cause cancer? Another issue is- will there be a hair relaxer lawsuit fibroids payout? Research is constantly changing in this regatd and you should check back regularly for a hair relaxer lawsuit update. Chemical hair straightening products are normally used for styling curly hair. Users typically use hear relaxers regularly to keep their hair straight. Researchers believe that users are at much higher risk of developing uterine cancer or ovarian cancer. Hair straightening products (aka hair relaxers) constitute endocrine-disrupting chemical. These dangerous toxic chemicals can lead to bad health consequences. There is little doubt that hair relaxers cause uterine cancer. Victims should hire top lawyers to file an individual hair relaxer lawsuit and avoid any possible hair straightener class action. Victims should check this page periodically to obtain a hair relaxer lawsuit update and determine, ‘when will the hair relaxer lawsuit be settled?’