Whether it’s a small town or big city, automobile accidents happen every day across Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Unfortunately, many of the most serious accidents are those that occur at intersections in RI and MA. When these RI automobile accidents happen, there are often different versions of what happened by both those involved in the crash as well as any eyewitnesses. No matter who turns out to be right or wrong when it comes to fault, the fact is that statistics related to these motor vehicle accidents in Providence are startling to say the least. Sadly many of these red light car collisions are preventable.
Red Light Accident
Based on data from the Federal Highway Association, U.S. drivers are involved in more than 2.3 million intersection accidents annually, resulting in almost 8,000 deaths. Sadly, more than 10 percent of all deaths occur due to a driver or drivers running a red light. While it has been determined that deaths resulting from running red lights have decreased since 2008, the number of deaths per year nevertheless exceeds 1,000. Along with the number of people killed annually when red lights are ignored by drivers, there are close to 170,000 people who are seriously injured in these crashes. Perhaps most stunning to hear is that one in three people in the FHA study personally knew someone who had either been killed or severely injured in a red light accident. In fact, drivers today consider running red lights or stop signs such a serious issue on the road that when polled, nearly 98 percent of them classified running red lights or stop signs as the most dangerous issue facing them on the road.
Stop sign crash
In many of these accidents, drivers who have run red lights have also been extremely negligent when behind the wheel, including running a red light. Texting while driving, talking on a cell phone, or other actions have been found to cause these accidents, as have been such reasons as simply trying to beat the light before it changes to red. No matter the reason, many innocent victims ultimately pay the price.
While these or any other legal situations do not offer guaranteed outcomes to those involved, it is always a good idea to meet with a Rhode island auto accident attorney to discuss all available options. As long as there are drivers on the road, there will continue to be intersection accidents in Rhode Island. However, by taking strong precautions to guard against those drivers who may be paying little if any attention to those around them, many people may be able to avoid being the next victim.
“Total red-light running crash fatalities decreased 22% from 2007 to 2011, as the number of communities with red-light safety cameras increased 135%.
- 201 fewer people died in red-light running crashes in 2011 than in 2007, saving $1.2 billion in costs.
- Year-to-year changes in red-light running fatalities reveal an average annual decrease of 5.6% from 2007 to 2011.
- In 2011, about half of the red-light running deaths were people other than the red-light runner.
- In 2011, red-light running crashes injured 118,000 people.
- Source: American Traffic Solutions (ATS) Fact Sheets For more information on Road Safety Cameras, download the following fact sheets
Red light and stop sign intersections are critical points in road traffic regulation. They serve as important safety mechanisms to control the flow of vehicles and prevent accidents. When drivers fail to adhere to these regulations, it can lead to accidents. Here’s how accidents can occur at red light and stop sign intersections:
- Running a Red Light: When a driver disregards a red light and continues through the intersection, they are at risk of colliding with vehicles traveling on the green light in the perpendicular direction. This type of accident is often referred to as a “T-bone” or “broadside” collision, which can be particularly dangerous because the sides of vehicles are less protected than the front or rear.
- Rolling Stops: Some drivers perform rolling stops at stop signs, where they don’t come to a complete stop. This can lead to accidents, especially if another vehicle has the right-of-way and is already in or approaching the intersection.
- Failure to Yield: At stop sign intersections, drivers must yield the right-of-way to vehicles that have arrived first or to those on the right, depending on the specific rules of the intersection. Failure to yield can result in accidents when two vehicles try to proceed simultaneously.
- Distracted Driving: Inattentive or distracted drivers may miss the presence of a red light or stop sign and enter the intersection without stopping or slowing down, leading to collisions.
- Impaired Driving: Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs may not react appropriately to red lights or stop signs, increasing the likelihood of accidents.
- Poor Visibility or Weather Conditions: Bad weather, such as heavy rain, fog, or snow, can reduce visibility at intersections. Drivers may fail to see the red light or stop sign, making it difficult to avoid accidents.
- Mechanical Failures: Vehicle malfunctions, such as brake failures, can prevent drivers from stopping as required at intersections, leading to accidents.
To reduce the risk of accidents at red light and stop sign intersections, it is crucial for drivers to obey traffic laws, stay alert, and be aware of their surroundings. Additionally, municipalities often employ safety measures like traffic cameras and police enforcement to deter violations and improve safety at these intersections.
Legal Notice per Rules of Professional Responsibility: The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers and attorneys in the general practice of law, but does not license or certify any lawyer / attorney as an expert or specialist in any field of practice. While this firm maintains joint responsibility, most cases of this type are referred to other attorneys for principle responsibility.